
Students who received need-based financial aid during the Autumn, Winter or Spring Quarters and are enrolled in Summer courses (or the September Session) will automatically be reviewed for Summer financial aid eligibility. Eligible students will be notified of their Summer financial aid eligibility via email beginning in late March. There is no deadline for Summer financial aid consideration and our office will continue to monitor for new enrollment and package financial aid accordingly throughout the summer.

Traditional need-based aid (such as UChicago Grants and Odyssey Scholarships) are not available during the summer term.

  • Summer Scholarship -  Eligible students with demonstrated need will receive $1,000 per 100-unit course (maximum $3,000). Odyssey students will receive $4,790 per 100-unit course (maximum $14,370).* This Scholarship will only count toward tuition costs. 

  • Federal Pell Grant - Eligibility is based on student's federal Expected Family Contribution
    and Summer enrollment of 200 units or more. 

  • Federal Stafford Loans - Federal loan eligibility requires enrollment in at least 200 units of
    coursework. Funding may be prorated and could impact future academic year availability. Students wishing to utilize Federal Direct Stafford Loans or Federal Work-Study during the summer will need to complete a separate application (see below). 

  • Summer Federal Work-Study - A student can receive Federal Work-Study even if the student is not enrolled in the Summer but will enroll during the Autumn 2025 Quarter. Students wishing to utilize Federal Direct Stafford Loans or Federal Work-Study during the summer will need to complete a separate application (see below). 

In the event that an Odyssey student's tuition charges are less than $4,790, the Odyssey scholarship would be reduced to match the tuition.

A student must also be meeting all Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements at the end of Spring Quarter.

For students who did not attend during Autumn, Winter or Spring quarters, please contact the Office of Financial Aid. Instructions for receiving an initial financial aid decision can be found here.

Applying for Summer Federal Direct Stafford Loans and Federal Work-Study

In order to receive Federal Direct Stafford Loans and/or Federal Work-Study during the Summer Quarter (including September Session), students will be required to complete a separate application. This electronic application will become available in the My.UChicago portal in March. Students will be notified via email when the application is available to complete.

To access the Summer Application for Federal Direct Stafford Loans and Federal Work-Study: 
Log in to your My.UChicago Portal

  • Click on the Finances Tab 

  • Under the Financial Aid menu, select "Institutional Application"

  • Click on the Apply button

Summer Financial Aid FAQ's

Does UChicago offer financial aid to Visiting Students or Pre-College/Pre-Orientation Students?

No. The UChicago Office of Financial Aid cannot process awards for non-degree students. Visiting undergraduate students may check with their home institution to determine if any aid can be provided to take course here at UChicago. Pre-College/Pre-Orientation may speak with the Summer Office for additional funding options. Various departments may offer these students scholarships, but it will not come from the Financial Aid Office. 

Does UChicago offer financial aid for students who are taking UChicago coursework remotely during Summer?

Yes, we do offer financial aid to current undergraduate student regardless of the course modality.

Is the September session part of the Summer term?

Yes. The Summer term includes any coursework during the summer, including courses taken in September.

Can a student receive Federal Work Study (FWS) if not enrolled in courses over the summer?

Yes, a student can receive FWS if not enrolled in the summer but will enroll in the upcoming Autumn term. Students will need to complete the summer application which is accessible via the UChicago portal.

Is there a deadline to apply for financial aid for the Summer term?

No, there is no deadline. Additionally, unless you are applying for Stafford Loans or Federal Work-Study, there is no separate application process to receive financial aid over the Summer term. Students will automatically be awarded any applicable grants and scholarships up to their eligibility.

Where can I find the current cost for Summer 2025?

The cost of the Summer 2025 course can be found on the Summer Office page:

Is the Summer Language Institute (SLI) covered by summer funding?

Yes. However, these courses are typically less expensive than a traditional UC Summer course. Due to variance, we will adjust our institutional aid downward to cover only the cost of tuition.

Does the summer institutional scholarship cover both tuition and all fees?

No, the summer scholarship pays tuition only. The Office of Financial Aid is unable to cover fees with institutional need-based aid.  

Does summer financial aid cover housing?

No, it does not. However, a student may choose to borrow a Federal Stafford Loan to assist with housing expenses. To utilize a Federal Stafford Loan during Summer, the student must complete a separate summer application and be enrolled in at least 200 units of coursework.

Can a student request a waiver of the student service fee during the summer term?

The Bursar’s Office is responsible for all assessments, including tuition and fees over the Summer term. A list of student service fee exemptions can be found here:

If a student is enrolled in the summer term, will they still be eligible for 12 quarters of aid?

Yes. Summer is considered a non-standard quarter. Therefore, it does not count against the 12 quarters and will not require a 13th quarter appeal for enrollment and aid purposes.

I am a transfer student who will matriculate for the first time in the Summer term. Can i receive financial aid during this quarter?

Transfer students who matriculate in the Summer term are not eligible for any institutional summer aid, however federal financial aid may be available. Please reach out to the Office of Financial Aid for assistance with this process.